Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Reading into it...

I sometime think that, after comparing myself to famous folks of my age, that I have failed so I become depressed, sad, errant.
Michael Owen was earning BIG bucks, so too was Beckham at 22. No doubt Kevin Spacey was appearing on stage in front of vast numbers of people and Oscar Wilde was being his usual over-the-top-and-still-being-beautiful self. Course, not a COMPLETE cross section and so my faith is restored. Monet was a post-humous success. Others of particular note are:
  • Emily Dickinson
  • Van Gogh
  • J S Bach
  • James Dean
  • Billy Holiday

So I suppose I shouldn't feel downhearted. I'm at that crossroads now and I probably won't know if I did the right thing until when I get to the end of the road, look back over the journey and either think 'oh fuck - look what I missed out on' or 'wow I've not done bad for myself!' I do hope it's the latter. Oh and Jesus didn't start his ministry until about 30 so I have a few more years to really make an impact!

Surrounded by piles of books by young poets. I've still got 6 years on Armitage but erm erm erm the words don't come out as well as I would like 'em too!

Public libraries are grand. They bring books to the masses. The weirdos, the smellies, the wanderers and the homeless come for the books. I'm probably a mixture of all those types. The chattering ladies behind the counter tell the old men to shush!!! Their page turning is too much for the women, as they slurp hot coffee and crunch noisy parkin. I have always wondered how Mp3 people can listen to their music in the library, force EVERYONE else to listen to it and then read...or at least look like they are very convincingly.

Then there's distractions outside of the library. With beautiful buildings from the third floor up, green domes, chiseled statues and capitals, stone pillars sheltering pigeons from the rain, plus lots of other architectural beauties I don't know the name for. The buses go by so much you don't notice. The chavs and birds shit everywhere.

I just wish they would all go away and let me read my Viz in peace!

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